GUNS DOWN, UNN-BLADE aim to reduce gun and knife crime and helping young people to feel safe in the areas they live in.
Feedback from young people suggests that they do not feel listened to about the problems and we strongly believe that only by listening to the people who are experiencing the problems first hand can we begin to work together to help you feel safe.
As a first step, it would really help us if you could complete the following questionnaire as honestly as you can.
We will not be taking names, or any personal details that can identify you, and will not be using the answers to try and get anyone in trouble, just to give us an idea of what is happening around you.
On 2 June 2010 taxi driver Derrick Bird shot dead 12 people and injured 11 more in west Cumbria. The rampage ended when 52-year-old Bird took his own life.
On 22 March 2017, a terrorist crashed a car into the perimeter fence of the grounds of the Palace of Westminster and ran into New Palace Yard, where he fatally stabbed an unarmed police officer.