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Our Write It toolkit help young people express how they feel


The downloadable workbooks are full of activities to get young people writing.  Each toolkit includes printable activities and ideas to get young people writing.


The young person’s kit has 10 activities. Each one encourages a different style of writing. We hope young people will find something that works for them.


Why writing helps.


Writing is a great way to express thoughts and feelings. Getting things down on paper can really help to make sense of problems, too.


This is especially important today. Life for children and young people – particularly the most vulnerable – is increasingly complicated. Pressures at home, in school and online can have a negative impact on their emotional wellbeing.


Research commissioned by Royal Mail suggests writing helps. Almost half (46%) of the young people Royal Mail spoke to said that writing things down made them feel better about something that had made them sad.


Download the WRITE IT Activity pack here

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